Welcome to Nightmare Run, featuring the Red Headed Witches!
Check back soon for updates and more tutorials!
The main game consists of you helping Jen as she flies through various scenes around town. To fly, just swipe your finger up and down to control her. Foward movement is automatic and cannot be stopped.
While flying along, be sure to avoid the monsters!! They will knock you around and take away a life. If you lose all of your lives, you will go back to the last checkpoint.
You must collect as many items as you can to build up your score. There are five types of collectible items: Bats, Newts, Eyeballs, Narcissus Flowers and Frogs.
There are also two Special Items you can collect: Black Cats and Speed Potions. Black cats will collect all of the onscreen items and bring them toward you. Speed Potions will increase your speed, allowing you to knock through enemy monsters without damage. Both special items can be active at the same time, but they only last for a few seconds so be careful!!
The overhead display monitors your remaining lives, the current level, your score, and your distance. Levels end based on your distance, and get increasingly longer as your level number increases. You will also notice there is a refill counter for magic. If you collect the required number of special items during one level, you will earn a magic refill. These become very useful when battling a boss level monster! This will be covered in the next section.
Every 5th level you will encounter a boss castle. At first you will be flying in for a short distance until you reach the boss. There are ten different bosses that you will have to battle along the way. Once you have reached the boss you will be helping Crissy win the fight!
The overhead display is a little different here. Your remaining lives are indicated by the counter next to your image on the left. During the fight you have 5 bars of life, and so does the monster. You must defeat them before losing all of your health. If you lose all 5 bars, you will lose a life and start the match over. If you lose all of your lives then you will start back at the previous checkpoint with 0 score and 5 lives. Checkpoints are achieved by defeating a boss. If you win, you will gain an extra life and will always continue from the level after the defeated boss.
There is also an indicator to show your currently selected magic, a magic bottle which will empty a little bit with each use of magic spells, and a magic refill button/counter.
The battle controls are on the left side of the screen. You can tap on the screen to move Crissy forward or backward. Use the buttons to block, or to attack with a punch, kick, or a magic spell.
You can slide the magic button to the right to access different magics as you earn them. Be very cautious with magics! Some bosses have weaknesses, strengths, and immunities. If you attack with a spell that is a weakness for that particular boss, they will lose health, but if it is a strength they will regain health!! If they are immune it will just miss them with no effect. Each magic is greyed out until you have earned it. If you run out of magic in the bottle overhead, you can press the refill button to refill. Once you are out of refills you can only punch and kick, so use it wisely!